Welcome to our new community website!

The Laurel Place Homeowners Association, Inc. is a Texas Non-Profit Corporation whose purpose is to manage the facilities, activities and business of the community for the current and long-term benefit of all homeowners. A full description of the purpose and authority of the Laurel Place H.O.A. is contained in the Association's By-Laws. All property owners in Laurel Place are automatically members of the Homeowners' Association.

We ask you to register as a user on our new site. There is a registration link on the top right of the homepage for that purpose. Registering will help us notify you if we have any emergencies, security issues or events. (We promise not to share, sell or send non-Laurel Place related issues.) Some areas of the website are for members only. Those areas will contain Laurel Place only information that can be accessed by registered residents only. Please take a minute to check out the NEW website. It's not perfect yet but be assured the Board will work continuously to make it most effective for our community.

We welcome your questions, recommendations and concerns. Use the "Contact Us" link on the right of the home page and direct comments to the Board under "Board Members". This is YOUR website. Please get to know your neighbors, get involved and continue to make Laurel Place the best place to call HOME.